Myth 1: Foam rollers break down muscle ahesions.
Hmmm… a steak is made of muscle tissue. Go put a foam roller on it and see how long it takes to break down. Also if it did break down adhesions why do you become restricted in the same area a day or two later?
Myth 2: Foam rollers loosen out all my muscles.
Hmmm.. depends on where you use it. Foam rollers are not very specific therefore it is very difficult to get a meaningful change in muscle tone. A lot of people then move on to the hard aggressive rumble rollers. In order to make a muscle relax you have to work into it. When you are about to get punched in the arm do you tense up or relax? Same principle. That’s why a good sports massage will get gradually firmer and not start at Death Con 5 ie the rumble roller. Also, STOP FOAM ROLLING YOUR IT BAND. It’s a tendon! You’re spending 15 mins foam rolling a tendon. You are getting such minor improvements, instead, focus on what is pulling it tight. The TFL.
What are they actually good for?
Foam rollers are great for your mid-back to help fix that slough and maybe large body parts (lats, quads) but apart from that the improvements you are probably getting are from short-term and from endorphin release and increased localized blood flow.